Female Genital Area Aesthetic and Functional Operations - Op. Dr. Cem Özlük

Female Genital Area Aesthetic and Functional Operations

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60 DK

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3-4 Hours

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30 Days

Genital Bölge Daraltma

Beauty is human desire. Every person, especially women, wants to feel beautiful in every way. Therefore, women should know their body and perceive beauty as a whole.

These operations, which have become increasingly common and popular in the world lately, can be performed on any woman who is not satisfied with the appearance of her genital area. Although some of the sexual problems and problems in women are psychological, functional and aesthetic concerns can also affect sexuality.

A problem in the genital area may lead to sexual dysfunction (sexual problems) in the individual and/or his/her sexual partner. In conclusion, sexuality is a function experienced between two people. The sexual history of individuals considering having this type of surgery should be examined in detail. For example, a woman with an enlarged vagina may provide less pleasure to her sexual partner during sexual intercourse and may cause a decrease in the pleasure her sexual partner receives. While the woman desires the fullness of the penis in her vagina, the man desires the feeling of pressure in his penis (cosmetic penis surgeries/procedures). This may cause loss of self-confidence in women and sexual problems in both men and women. For example, if the inner lip of the vagina, called the labia, is large, it can block the entrance to the vagina and make it difficult for the penis to enter the vagina. I am giving these examples because it should be known that such surgeries can be performed not only for aesthetic purposes, but also to solve a functional problem and therefore a sexual problem.

Although cystocele (prolapsed bladder) and rectocele (prolapse in the rectum) are more mechanical disorders, this issue should also be addressed because it can be combined with genital plastic surgeries.

What are Genital Aesthetic Surgeries?

  • Vaginoplasty (vaginal tightening)
  • Labioplasty (inner lip aesthetics)
  • Labia majora filling (outer lip aesthetics/filling)
  • Genital Area Bleaching (laser genital bleaching)
  • Laser vaginal tightening and tightening (laser vaginal rejuvenation)
  • Laser urinary incontinence treatment
  • G-point Augmentation (G-point shot)
  • Clitoris Aesthetics (clitoral hudoplasty)
  • Cystocele and Rectocele Repair


The vagina is an inward canal, approximately 8-9 cm long, consisting of stretchable muscle tissue, where sexual intercourse takes place in women. As a result of reasons such as age, congenital looseness of the vaginal tissue, births, gynecological interventions, and frequent sexual intercourse, the muscles around the vagina become loose, and their tightness and stenosis may decrease over time. In some women, even though they have never given birth and are young, the vagina may be structurally wider than normal. An enlarged vagina cannot fully grasp and feel the penis. The feeling of pressure on the sexual partner’s penis decreases. In the future, this may progress to the problem of not being able to orgasm in women, which we call anorgasmia.

As a result, the pleasure experienced during coitus (vagen-penis union) in both men and women decreases. This problem can gradually grow and cause serious problems between partners (sexual couple). Very good results are obtained after surgical vaginal tightening, that is, vaginoplasty. The surgery takes approximately 30-40 minutes. It can be applied with general, spinal or locally assisted sedation anesthesia. Expanded parts of the vagina are removed, the underlying muscle tissue is repaired, and the cut edges are repaired aesthetically. After the surgery, sexual abstinence is given for approximately one month.


The labia minora, or inner lips, are fold-shaped, flexible structures that start from the level of the clitoris (sexual pleasure area) at the top of the vagina between the labia majora, surround the entrance to the vagina, and end at the bottom of the vagina. Its size varies from person to person. Due to hormonal changes during puberty, in some women it is larger than normal and bulges out. They can grow extremely drooping, symmetrical or asymmetrical. Although the cause of this growth is usually structural, it may also develop later. These enlarged inner lips can cover the vagina and the urinary canal, which we call urethra.

By creating a moist environment in this area, it can cause infections in both the vagina and urinary tract. It may also cause problems such as bad odor due to sweating of the enlarged inner lips, hygienic problems, and dryness, irritation and wound formation due to contact with underwear.

Enlarged labia majora may make it difficult for the penis to enter the vagina during coitus. When we add up all these problems, that is, a woman who does not find her genital area aesthetic, has hygienic problems, and has problems during sexual intercourse, a woman may develop sexual problems (sexual dysfunction) such as a decrease in self-confidence or sexual reluctance, inability to orgasm or difficulty in orgasm. The sexual partner will also be affected by these problems in the future.

This situation is corrected with a simple surgical aesthetic procedure. Enlarged, sagging, long, asymmetrical and darkened inner lips are restored to a normal appearance. This surgical correction operation performed on the inner lips is called labiaplasty. This operation, which takes approximately half an hour, can be combined with other genital aesthetic procedures. During the operation, the genital area should be evaluated as a whole and unsightly folds and skin folds should be corrected. If only labiaplasty is to be performed, local anesthesia may be sufficient. For patient comfort, a light anesthesia, that is, sedation anesthesia, can be applied.

For this plastic surgery, it is sufficient to be past puberty. Since it has no relation with the hymen, this operation can also be performed on virgins. You should wait approximately 3-4 weeks for sexual life after surgery.

Labia Majore Filling (External Lip Filling/Aesthetics)

Labia majora, or outer lips, are formations covered with slightly fluffy normal skin, located outside the inner lips, starting from the mons pubis (the hairy area above the clitoris) and going down to the sides of the vagina. Generally, women want their outer lips to be full. I prefer autologous fat transplantation for outer lip filling. In other words, I use oils obtained from the person herself. Generally, depending on the individual’s condition, the fat from the abdomen or the inner part of the leg, which we call the medial thigh, is used. Subsequently, the obtained fat tissue is purified by centrifugation (pure fat tissue). This purified fatty tissue is administered to the outer lips to obtain a fuller appearance (lipofilling). Since an average of 30-40% of this fat tissue will be lost within six months, more fat tissue filling can be done during the operation.

In overweight women, structural abnormalities such as enlargement, sagging, excessive swelling, asymmetry, and skin folds may occur in the outer lips. In these cases, some aesthetic procedures such as reduction of the outer lips can be used.

Genital Area Whitening (Genital Bleaching, Color Lightening)

The external genital area is called the vulva. Genital area color lightening/whitening is also called “labial whitening” and “vulvar whitening”. Darkening, browning and darkening of the vulva may occur, especially under the influence of estrogen and sunlight. The estrogen hormone, under the influence of sunlight, activates the cells (melanocytes) that secrete color pigment in the external genital area, and color darkening occurs. This area does not need to be covered or hairless for UV rays from the sun to pass into this area. Apart from these; Advancing age, hormones used and creams applied to this area, previous gynecological surgeries, polycystic ovary syndrome, genetic predisposition can be counted among the reasons for the darkening of the external genital area. This darkening may lead to loss of self-confidence in the woman’s sexual life and to sexual problems in the future. This darkening does not physically harm the person. Fractional carbon dioxide (CO2) and fractional erbium yag laser are generally used in genital area aesthetics.

How is the procedure done?

The laser lightening process takes approximately 15-20 minutes. Darkened areas in the genital area are determined and the laser is adjusted. Local anesthetic creams are used before the procedure. For patient comfort, light sedation anesthesia may be given. During the procedure, laser light destroys the melanocyte cells in the dermis layer of the skin that produce melanin pigment, which causes darkening. In this way, genital whitening is achieved. The laser used affects the area at a depth of 3-4 mm. After the laser is used, this area begins to gradually peel off, fall off, and a new, livelier skin emerges from underneath. After the procedure is performed, the individual can immediately return to her normal social life and begins to see the effectiveness of this procedure after approximately 3-4 weeks. In rare cases, water accumulation may occur. You can have sexual intercourse after 3-4 days. The procedure can be repeated several times depending on the degree and extent of darkness on the person’s skin.

Laser Vagina Tightening and Tightening (Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation)

In laser vaginal tightening, the supporting tissue of the vagina, which has lost its firmness and flexibility, is revitalized. Since it is not a surgical procedure, it is an advanced technological procedure with minimal risks for the patient and no pain. The most important purpose is to increase sexual arousal, sexual pleasure and orgasm in women. When there is tightening in the vagina, sexual pleasure will increase in the sexual partner with the mechanical effect. As a result, the woman’s self-confidence will increase, she will feel better and have a better quality sexual life. Except that; It can be performed on those who complain of mild urinary incontinence due to looseness in the vagina, those who have frequent vaginal infections, and those who have problems with vaginal wetting.

The procedure can be performed without anesthesia or with light sedation. It takes approximately 15-20 minutes. Thanks to the laser light placed inside the vagina, the blood flow of this area is increased, collagen tissue (support tissue) is stimulated and its synthesis is increased. After this procedure, I recommend kegel exercise and/or pilates. These exercises will increase blood flow to the pelvic area (pelvic floor muscles) and genital area and strengthen the muscles there. Thanks to these exercises, the woman will know and feel her genital area better in terms of anatomical and functional aspects.

Apart from this, it is possible to tighten not only the inside of the vagina but also the external genital area (vulva) with laser. If the outer lips are sagging, the external genital area is loose or there are wrinkles, laser tightening of the external genital area can be tried. The aim is to regain a fuller appearance in the weakened external genitalia (vulva) area. Depending on the degree of weakness, one or more sessions of laser tightening may be performed.

Laser Urinary Incontinence Treatment

Urinary incontinence can be classified as stress type, urge type and mixed type where both occur together (female urology). Urge-type urinary incontinence is neurological and the patient experiences complaints such as a feeling of urgency to urinate and not being able to reach the toilet. Stress urinary incontinence occurs with activities that cause increased intra-abdominal pressure, such as straining, coughing, and sneezing. Several sessions of laser may be applied to patients with mild stress urinary incontinence. The support tissue between the vagina and bladder is stimulated, collagen synthesis is increased and this area is aimed to be strengthened. After a procedure that takes approximately 20 minutes, the patient can immediately return to work and social life. It is generally very useful in patients with mild stress incontinence. Apart from this, laser can also be applied to patients with advanced stress incontinence and who are afraid of or do not accept the surgical procedure. 2-3 sessions can be performed once a month, depending on the degree of urinary incontinence.

G-Point Enlargement (G-Point Shot)

The G spot is an erogenous zone located inside the vagina, on the upper wall, just below the urinary tract, and becomes evident when touched. It can be in different locations in each woman and is the most important structure, along with the clitoris, in providing sexual pleasure and orgasm. Since the G spot is located inside the vagina, it is the main structure that provides vaginal orgasm.

Over time, with the stimulation of estrogen hormone and structurally, the vaginal ceiling (G spot) thickens. In this procedure, special fillers are injected into this point in women who have orgasm difficulties, and an attempt is made to increase the sensitivity and prominence of this area. The most commonly used filler is hyaluronic acid. Some surgeons may prefer fat or platelet rich plasma injection. The procedure is quite simple and takes a few minutes under local anesthesia. There is no harm in having sexual intercourse on the same day after the procedure, approximately 5-6 hours later.

Clitoris Aesthetics (Clitoral Hudoplasty)

The clitoris is an organ located under the hair-covered triangle called mons pubis. The counterpart of the penis in men is the clitoris in women. It is the place where sexual satisfaction is experienced most intensely in women. In clitoral clitoplasty, that is, clitoris correction operation, the aim is to remove skin folds on the clitoris, correct wrinkles and, as a result, obtain a more aesthetic appearance. The clitoris may appear larger than normal and deformed due to structural, hormonal or too much sexual activity. The clitoris is restored to its natural appearance with a surgery that takes approximately 20 minutes. It is usually performed in combination with other genital area plastic surgeries, including labiaplasty. However, in women who have had labiaplasty, the clitoris may appear saggy and irregular in the future. Considered as a whole, clitoris aesthetics should also be added to almost every woman who has inner lip aesthetics.

Other Surgical Procedures to the Genital Area

Any scar, sagging, asymmetry or weakness in the genital area that causes loss of self-confidence in women can be corrected surgically. Here, scar repair occurs most commonly after episiotomy. During vaginal birth, a small incision is made on the edge of the vagina to facilitate the baby’s exit and to prevent uncontrolled tears. This is called episiotomy. As a result of this tissue not being repaired properly, opening or healing poorly, a hard, misshapen appearance (scar) may occur in the vagina. Apart from this, scar formation may also occur as a result of trauma to the external genital area. Apart from aesthetic concerns, these may also cause pain during sexual intercourse. These tissues are removed under local anesthesia and repaired aesthetically.

The triangular area covered with hair above the clitoris is called mons pubis. It may be aesthetically too weak or too swollen. Depending on the situation, this area can be made more aesthetic (puboplasty) by using methods such as liposuction or lipofilling.

Cystocele and Rectocele Repair

Cystocele and rectocele usually occur with aging. Therefore, under this heading I will discuss their general characteristics, because these disorders can be combined with genital plastic surgeries.

Cystocele (Bladder-Urinary Bladder Prolapse)

Cystocele is the prolapse of the bladder into the vagina. When prolapse is severe, it can be seen through the vaginal opening. Aging, menopause, having multiple births and hysterectomy (uterus removal) surgery are risk factors for cystocele. Women with cystocele experience symptoms such as frequent urination, urinary incontinence, difficulty urinating, the feeling of urinating after urinating and the feeling of incomplete voiding, nocturia (urination at night) and pain during sexual intercourse. Sometimes there is a feeling of fullness, pressure, or something sagging inside the vagina. The diagnosis of cystocele is made by physical examination (genital area examination). In addition, ultrasound, uroflow and PVR (postvoiding residue measurement) tests may help diagnosis. In cases of cystocele that do not cause mild distress, treatment may not be required (laser vaginal tightening can be tried and benefit may be seen). However, in cases of cystocele that are advanced and cause complaints, surgical treatment is required. In surgical treatment, anterior colporrhaphy (preliminary repair) is applied. This surgery aims to collect the prolapsed bladder and remove excess tissue. A synthetic material called mesh can also be used to collect the bladder. Since the complaint of urinary incontinence in these patients may continue after cystocele repair, sling operations should be added to the simultaneous cystocele repair if the urethra (external urinary hole) is sagging or loose.

Rectocele (Anal Prolapse)

Rectocele is the herniation of the rectum, that is, the last part of the large intestine, into the vagina. In advanced rectoceles, the rectocele is seen to come out of the vagina with or without straining. Giving birth, obesity, constipation, chronic cough and excessive straining increase the pressure in the pelvic area and anus, causing rectocele formation. In addition, an increase in rectocele complaints is observed with aging and after menopause. In rectocele, bowel movements become difficult and constipation occurs. Patients with rectocele experience complaints of straining during defecation, straining, feeling of incomplete evacuation, feeling of sudden defecation, inability to relax after defecation, and therefore gas and abdominal bloating.

In fact, there are irritative complaints caused by urine that cannot be evacuated in cystocele and by stool that cannot be evacuated in rectocele. Cystocele, bladder; Rectocele is the prolapse of the anus. In rectocele, there is also a feeling of fullness in the vagina. A feeling of a mass on the back wall of the vagina and pain during sexual intercourse may also be observed. Diagnosis can be easily made by physical examination. In mild rectoceles, plenty of fluids and fibrous foods are recommended to prevent constipation. Vaginal tightening with laser can be tried in mild rectoceles. Surgical treatment is applied in advanced rectocele cases that cause complaints. The rectocele repair procedure is called colporrhaphy posterior (back repair).

Cystocele and rectocele formation and complaints are similar in terms of treatment. As a result, in cystocele, on the anterior vaginal wall; In rectocele, sagging and herniation are observed in the posterior wall of the vagina. Rarely can the two coexist.

It is extremely important for patients with mild and non-severe complaints to perform pelvic floor exercises (Kegel exercises) to prevent the herniation from progressing and to prevent postoperative recurrence. In addition to these exercises, sports such as pilates can be done that strengthen the muscles in the pelvic floor. You can visit our Kegel exercises page to learn more about Kegel exercises, which are frequently asked by patients who come to our clinic.