Kegel Exercises - Op. Dr. Cem Özlük

Kegel Exercises

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Kegel Exercises

Exercises necessary to strengthen the pelvic muscles are called kegel exercises. Among the exercises done by women.

Strengthen pelvic muscles by doing Kegel exercises.

About Kegel Exercises

Pelvic muscles, including the hip part, are extremely important for women. Strengthening and healing of muscles is achieved through kegel exercises. You can strengthen your muscles by correctly performing these exercises that you may have heard of frequently.

Strengthening the pelvic muscles means a healthy sexual life. It will also make birth easier. For this reason, by doing these exercises, women will not only improve their sexual life but also have a healthier birth.

Why Are Kegel Exercises Performed?

which has come to the fore very intensely

These exercises attract attention from women. So, why are kegel exercises performed? I answer this question for our patients. What are the benefits of these exercises that are best done?

  • The problem of urinary incontinence will be solved. By doing these exercises, the problem of urinary incontinence will disappear.
  • Problems occurring in sexual intercourse are solved with kegel exercise.
  • Problems that occur during birth will also be solved with these exercises.
  • These exercises will also be a solution to the problem of not having an orgasm.

Doing kegel exercise regularly will be effective in eliminating the problems mentioned above. Regular and correct practices and exercises eliminate sexual problems or urinary incontinence problems. It will also ensure that the person’s sexual life is at a much higher performance.

A Healthy Life

Apart from the many problems it can solve, it is also possible to say hello to a healthy life with these exercises. It will be possible for the muscles to develop as the person wishes with these exercises. In people whose vaginal muscles have become loose due to age, these exercises will strengthen the muscles. Since these are muscles that can be controlled, women will be able to strengthen their muscles with these exercises.

How to Do Kegel Exercises?

How to do exercises that have many benefits? Based on the answer to the question of how to do Kegel exercises, we help patients solve their problems with these exercises. If you wish, you can directly make these exercises a part of your life and solve the problem.

1. Exercise

It can be shown as the easiest exercise. What you need to do for this is to hold the urine once or twice while urinating. In other words, in order to strengthen the muscles, it will be beneficial to hold your urine first and then do it. This way you will also notice where the vaginal muscles are located. You will be able to act much more accurately during operation.

2. Exercise

You will do the exercise by lying on your back on a hard surface. Hips will be parallel to the floor. In this way, the hip will move up and down. During this movement, the vaginal muscles will also be tightened and released.

3. Exercise

Easy exercises that can be done during the day include contracting the vaginal muscles and holding them for 14-15 seconds. In this way, you will hold the muscles and then release them. Doing this move is extremely beneficial. You must continue to breathe normally while doing the movements.

Frequency of Kegel Exercises

In order to get successful results, it is necessary to do kegel exercises regularly. What is determined for this is that it should be done at least 10 times a day. If there is a problem, make sure that it is resolved regularly. In this way, you will gain advantages such as a problem-free sexual life and the elimination of urinary incontinence problems.

Regular exercise;

You can make this a part of your life by being careful to do it during the day. Thanks to the benefits of Kegel exercises, a person’s sexual life will be trouble-free.