P Shot Treatment Erectile Dysfunction Treatment - Cem Özlük

P Shot Treatment Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

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P Shot Treatment Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

What is a P Shot?

First of all, our patients should be aware that the P-shot procedure is an injection into the penis to refresh and increase the function related to sensitivity. This procedure is called priapus shot or p-shot. Since it is a natural technique made with platelet rich plasma, we apply it to our patients.

What Does P-Shot Do?

It can be used as one of the treatment alternatives for men with erectile dysfunction, that is, men with erectile dysfunction. We usually combine ESWT (EXTRACORPOREAL SHOCK WAVE THERAPY) with P-shot. Apart from erectile dysfunction, it can also be tried to treat Peyronie’s disease, where patches of scar tissue develop along the shaft of the penis.

Who Can Have P-Shot?

The question “Who is the P-shot for?” is also frequently asked. Our patients express their problems and directly ask for the solution. In this case, if the problem can be solved with P-shot, we recommend it. We provide information on how to create the necessary conditions for the patient, how the healing and the impact will be. Subsequently, the treatment is completed directly.

The P-shot may be suitable for the following situations:

– Dissatisfaction with the function of the penis

– Wanting to increase sexual performance

– Men with erectile dysfunction

Is P-Shot Application Painful?

Our patients do not need to worry about this method. With the P-shot application, you do not suffer in any way. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. There will be no sensations such as pain or pain in any way. Most of the time, we receive feedback from our patients that they do not feel any pain during this procedure.

How Long Does the P-Shot Process Take?

You should know that the application we provide to our patients is completed in an extremely short time. Since the procedure for this is done under local anesthesia, the operation will be completed in a short time. We ensure that the process is completed in a short period of about 30 minutes. Thanks to the information we provide to our patients, the procedure can be completed without worry. After the examination, you will be given specific information about the duration and other details.

At what intervals is P-Shot applied?

Applications are made at intervals of approximately two weeks. It is possible to get successful results with one application every 2 weeks. On average, extremely successful results can be achieved with 3 – 4 sessions. We provide our patients with the necessary information and answer their questions.

After P-Shot

Our patients are wondering what results they will get after the application. Yes, what changes occur in the penis and sexual life after a successful P-shot? Here are the details after the P-shot:

– Increased blood flow and circulation

– Strengthening of the penis

– Improved sexual ability

– Enhanced penis appearance

– Increased sensitivity and sexual pleasure

P Shot treatment is an application that is injected into the penis. The purpose of this application is to solve the problem of erectile dysfunction. In the treatment of erectile dysfunction seen in our male patients, the sensitivity function of the penis is increased. It is also essential that the treatment, also known as priapus shot, be applied in a clinical setting.

Thanks to this treatment, the patient’s erection problem can be eliminated by increasing blood flow. This application, which is frequently preferred by our male patients, is one of the most important blessings of developing medical science.

What is P Shot Treatment?

P-Shot application, also known as the happiness vaccine among the public, is a procedure performed within the scope of PRP treatment. In practice, rich plasma, which is also used in PRP treatment, is injected into the penis with erection problems. In this way, it is aimed to eliminate erection problems by using the body’s self-healing feature.

P shot treatment functions as a vaccine obtained from platelets and plasma obtained from the person’s own blood. Thanks to PRP P shot, dysfunction problems can be resolved without the need for any surgical intervention.

This treatment, which is widely used today, is one of the most important applications of our clinic. P-Shot treatment success is quite high compared to many drug treatment methods.

To whom can P Shot Treatment be applied?

The purpose of P shot treatment is to increase sexual performance compared to before. As a result of our general examinations, if our patients are suitable candidates for treatment, we prefer to apply this treatment in our clinic. We can decide on the treatment of adult male patients who apply to our clinic after a preliminary examination.

If you have erection problems, you can also choose this method. If your erection problem is not caused by any physiological disorder, you can increase your sexual performance with P-Shot.

How is P Shot Treatment Done?

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We prefer to perform the treatment under local anesthesia to avoid any pain or sensation. In this way, we prevent our patients from feeling any discomfort during the injection process.

P-Shot application usually takes 30-40 minutes and does not require any surgical intervention. P-Shot, a vaccination method obtained from the patient’s own blood, is a practice that accelerates the body’s self-healing.

For P shot treatment, blood is usually required to be taken from the arm area. Plasma obtained from blood is injected into the penis to regulate blood circulation and activate healthy tissue development. Thanks to all these procedures, the aim is to trigger the stem cells and provide a solution to the erection problem of the penis.

It is also possible to apply more than one session in the treatment if necessary. However, after the first session, a 2-week break may usually be required. The reason for this is to observe and wait for the vaccine to perform its function. Our male patients with erection problems can experience P-Shot application every two weeks.

Things to Consider After P Shot Operation

P shot treatment is one of the applications that does not have an effect at the first time it is applied, but can work over time. In other words, it would not be realistic to think that the dysfunctions will improve after the first session. However, after the first two sessions, it can be seen that the patient’s erection problem disappears.

Procedures performed under the name of erectile dysfunction treatment also enable the patient to be more self-confident while having sexual intercourse. It is very common for men with erection problems to experience anxiety problems during sexual intercourse. Therefore, when the erection problem disappears, it will be possible to prevent the patient’s self-confidence problems.

After P shot treatment, the sensitivity of the penis increases and it is also possible to increase sexual pleasure. There is no harm in the person being able to return to his/her daily life immediately after the application. P-Shot treatment, which is not a surgical procedure, does not have a feature that will negatively affect the patient’s life.

It is normal for a slight redness or swelling to occur in the injection area after the treatment. All of these effects will disappear completely within a few days. However, if you encounter an unexpected situation, it is recommended that you contact our clinic immediately.

Is P Shot Treatment Permanent?

One of the frequently asked questions about P shot treatment is the permanence rate of the treatment. P-Shot application is completely related to the anatomical structure of the patient. The application usually has a long-lasting effect and can be repeated if necessary. After the first application, the second session is usually required 2 weeks later. In this way, the function and effect of the vaccine is significantly increased.

P-Shot application is not a permanent application for life. If the patient’s erection problem has recurred, it is possible to re-administer the vaccine.

There will be breaks of approximately two weeks. Successful results can be achieved with application every 2 weeks. On average, extremely successful results will be obtained from the operation with 3 to 4 sessions. We provide our patients with the necessary information and ensure that their questions are answered.

You should know that the application we provide to our patients is completed in an extremely short time. Since the procedure for this is done under local anesthesia, the operation will be completed in a short time.

We ensure that the process is completed in a short time of 30 – 40 minutes. Thanks to the information you provide to our patients, the procedure can be completed without worry. After the examination, you will be given special information about the duration and other details.

Our patients do not need to worry about this method. You do not suffer in any way with the P-shot application. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. There will be no sensations such as pain in any way. Most of the time, we receive feedback from our patients that they do not feel any pain during this procedure.

Local anesthesia;

It will be possible to perform the application painlessly with the local anesthetic method. To eliminate this problem, you can contact us directly if you wish. After the examination we perform on our patients, we complete the procedure in the shortest time possible to give the best effect.

Our patients who apply to our clinic for P-Shot must first undergo a preliminary examination. It is very important to get to the root of the erection problem and find out what causes the problem. Therefore, it is not possible for us to provide clear price information to our patients in the first place. However, after the initial examinations, it is possible to draw a plan for the necessary treatment for the patient. P Shot treatment prices are determined in accordance with the process and plan.

You can visit our clinic in Antalya to get more information about our genital aesthetic applications. You can also contact us at any time by filling out the form on our contact page, by calling us or via our Instagram account. You can also follow all my P shot related posts on my Instagram page here.