What is the Happiness Bar? Penile Prosthesis Surgery - Cem Özlük

What is the Happiness Bar? Penile Prosthesis Surgery

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What is the Happiness Bar? Penile Prosthesis Surgery

It is the last-line treatment option and the most successful one for people who are not successful with other treatment options or who cannot use other treatment options. It is the process of surgically inserting prostheses into the pipes (cavernous bodies) that provide erection in the penis.

– The success rate is very high (95-99%).

– Commonly used prostheses are the semi-rigid, silicone type and inflatable or hydrophilic prostheses.

– The sexual partner gets more satisfaction. With penile prostheses, both the man and his partner get more pleasure from sex as the necessary hardness is achieved.

– In developed countries, 3-piece inflatable penile prostheses are generally preferred. After 3-part penile prosthesis applications, patient and spouse satisfaction reaches 90%.

– Inflatable prostheses are more expensive and are inflated at the time of sexual intercourse, and can be returned to their previous state after intercourse.

– Operations can be performed under general or regional (spinal/epidural) anesthesia. These prostheses can be inserted through an incision of about 4-5 cm by entering under or above the root of the penis. It is sufficient for the patient to stay in the hospital for one day after surgery. In prostheses inserted through sub-penile incisions (scrotal), the incision scar is almost invisible.

– It can also be used in patients with erectile dysfunction with penile curvature and/or pain during erection (Peyronie’s).

– Penile prostheses are not noticeable from the outside. It does not cause any problems with the sexual partner during sexual intercourse. Especially with pump and bendable prostheses, it is almost impossible to tell your partner that you have a prosthesis unless you tell them.

– Penile prostheses only provide sufficient hardness for sexual intercourse. It does not affect ejaculation or childbearing.

Penile prosthesishappiness stick; When the treatment of erectile dysfunction, impotence and erectile dysfunction is insufficient, it is surgically implanted for those who want it. These applications, medically called penile prosthesis or penis stick, are popularly called happiness sticks. It is an alternative surgical treatment to harden the penis when non-surgical treatments are inadequate.

What is a penis stick? Are There Varieties?

Penis rod; It is a permanent solution that is very effective in achieving anatomical hardening and has a very high satisfaction rate after a short operation.

There are two types of happiness sticks: bendable and inflatable. In addition, the happiness stick treatment has been used for 40 years, although it was not recognized in the past.

Inflatable Penis Prosthesis

The three-piece inflatable penis prosthesis provides erection after being inflated several times with a pump. This type of penile prosthesis has both semi- and full-erect features.

Bendable Penis Prosthesis

One-piece bendable penile prosthesis; It is suitable for many years of use, has low cost and has no mechanical parts.

Who Gets the Happiness Stick?

It is implanted surgically for people who cannot find a solution with medical erection treatments or vacuum devices and cannot achieve adequate erection. It is applied to those who cannot get the results they want after resorting to non-surgical solutions, only after the examination of our doctor and by the joint decision of our doctor and the patient.

Erectile Dysfunction / Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction; It may occur in people with diabetes, various injuries, spinal cord injuries or multiple sclerosis. It is also a condition seen in some people due to smoking. We can also see such problems that negatively affect sexual life, which we also call erectile dysfunction, in people who do not perform enough physical activity. Because of anxiety-provoking stress, people may experience erection problems.

In case of discomfort caused by impotence that recurs repeatedly, the treatment of erectile dysfunction may cause the medical treatments to be prolonged or insufficient. In such cases, penile prosthesis is a treatment that we recommend and recommend to our patients as a definitive solution.

How Do I Choose the Most Suitable Happiness Bar?

When choosing the most suitable happiness bar for you; You should make your choice by prioritizing your preference and taking into account our doctor’s advice and prediction.

When you decide to have penis prosthesis surgery and are in the decision-making phase, you can contact me. As a result of my preliminary examinations and reviewing my past treatments for your problem, I am sharing my recommendations on choosing the most suitable prosthesis for you. However, I also understand the details about the application.

How is Happiness Rod Surgery Performed?

What is the Happiness Bar? Penile Prosthesis Surgery

So, how is happiness stick surgery performed? When you decide for penile prosthesis surgery, a preliminary examination is first performed by our physician. The person should share with our doctor the sexual problem he is experiencing and the treatments previously applied to him. After all these examinations, our doctor informs you in detail about the happiness bar before and after. You should decide based on both your own judgment and our doctor’s prediction. Our doctor, who will perform the operation, will give you detailed information about penis rod models and their use during the decision-making phase.

The surgery is performed with general anesthesia. During the operation, a three-piece inflatable penile prosthesis is inserted through small incisions. These cuts; It is thrown onto the penis, scrotum and lower abdomen. There is no blood loss during the happiness stick operation, which is performed without tissue removal. The surgery takes approximately 1 hour. Depending on the decision made by our doctor, you may be discharged either on the day of the surgery or after staying in the hospital for one night. After the operation, people may experience pain, bruising or swelling in the incisions for 3 to 4 weeks. However, in such cases, you can use painkillers recommended by your doctor.

Is the Happiness Bar Observable from the Outside?

Penile prostheses are not made of silicone. It is made using hard plastic material. Therefore, bending may occur after it is placed on the penis. For this reason, it is possible for there to be deterioration due to breakage. Those who have a penis prosthesis are likely to have an unnatural appearance when viewed from the outside. Additionally, the penis prosthesis may be visible from the outside.

However, the comments of those who use the happiness bar are mostly that they do not experience erection problems in their sexual lives and that they are satisfied.

Is the Happiness Bar Successful and Does It Give Pleasure?

According to the results of the research conducted on people to whom this application was applied;

  • The satisfaction rate is quite high.
  • The happiness bar success rate is between 90 – 95%, like other operations.
  • It is said that people and their partners are satisfied with their sexual relations after the operation. In addition, it was stated that they were satisfied and enjoyed with a rate of 93%.

Is Penile Prosthesis Risky?

  • As with every operation, it is possible to encounter the risk of infection.
  • Although penile implants are safe, there is a risk of malfunction. Surgery is required for renewal or repair.
  • The penile implant placed inside the penis can sometimes stick to the inside of the penis due to any infection. Of course, there is also the risk of separation from the skin of the penis.

When Can I Have Sexual Intercourse After Joy Rod Surgery?

After the operation, approximately 4 to 8 weeks of healing are required. After this period, you must obtain our physician’s approval before providing personal information.

After the penile prosthesis is installed, sexual pleasure is achieved, orgasm is achieved and no problems such as premature ejaculation are experienced. Long-term and frequent sexual intercourse is certainly not a problem. Penile implant increases erection. For this reason, after the operation, the person can have sexual intercourse as often and for as long as he wants.

Will I Have a Child After Penile Prosthesis?

What is the Happiness Bar? Penile Prosthesis Surgery

People who have a penile prosthesis do not experience problems such as not being able to have children due to the prosthesis. After the operation, it is possible to have a child naturally by having sexual intercourse. There are no sperm and urine output problems.

Happiness Bar Prices and Is It Covered by Social Security?

Happiness bar prices are determined in line with people’s preferences and needs. In addition, the length of hospital stay is also a factor in the changes in prices. In some cases, it is possible to benefit from SGK coverage.

You can contact me and make an appointment to get detailed information about penis prosthesis and to request preliminary tests. You can also watch my video posts by following my Instagram page.