Causes and Treatment of Sexual Reluctance - Op. Dr. Cem Özlük

Causes and Treatment of Sexual Reluctance

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Causes and Treatment of Sexual Reluctance

The problem of sexual reluctance is among the most common problems in men. On average, this problem is seen in 20%.

Lack of sexual desire is very common in men. We first examine our patients to solve their sexual reluctance problem. Afterwards, we eliminate the problem by making the necessary applications.

We strongly recommend that you get support to solve the problem. If the necessary precautions are not taken for the problem, sexual problems may occur in the partner. Continuing sexual reluctance in men may cause functional problems. If all these are taken into consideration, it would be healthy to get support directly.

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Men Do Not Accept Sexual Reluctance;

Yes, according to research, there is such a problem. The problem of sexual reluctance in men is not accepted. When this problem is accepted, premature ejaculation – impotence problems occur in patients.

In order to prevent such problems from occurring, it is necessary to seek treatment for sexual problems. With the interventions we make, we prevent this situation from causing bigger problems.

Causes of Sexual Reluctance?

When a little research is done on the reasons for sexual reluctance, the reasons for this situation in men can be seen. It is possible for patients to be treated in this situation, which we call not having enough desire, frigidity, decreased sexual drive, decreased sexual desire or hypoactive sexual desire.

Sexual desire occurs largely due to psychological reasons. There may also be physical reasons for the person not having enough desire for sexual intercourse. Precautions must be taken as the reluctance seen in men can also cause problems for their partners.

Evaluation with partner;

When looked at, we solve this problem by hosting our patients as couples. Solving the problem together is much quicker. If there is no physical problem, it is ensured that the problem is psychological and the problem is solved together with the partner.

Physical Causes of Sexual Reluctance in Men;

In the tests performed on men, the testosterone hormone is checked. In case of hormonal problems, action will be taken directly on this value.

Apart from hormonal reasons;

  • Chronic alcohol use
  • Sedentary life, stress
  • Smoking and substance addiction
  • Overweight
  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Heart diseases
  • Kidney liver failure
  • some blood pressure medications
  • Adrenal function

Psychological Causes of Sexual Reluctance in Men;

  • Depression
  • Marital problems
  • Cheating – being deceived
  • Performance anxiety
  • Fear of not being able to make your partner happy
  • Lack of sufficient information about sexuality
  • Gender identity and orientation issues
  • Incompatibility with spouse – conflicts
  • Concerns related to age and attractiveness
  • low self-esteem
  • Sexual traumas experienced during childhood
  • Not paying due attention to the relationship

We inform our patients by making the necessary explanations. We take the necessary precautions to ensure that our patients can return to their sexual lives without any problems. By taking the necessary steps after the examination, this problem is eliminated.

Types of Sexual Reluctance in Men

We act on types of sexual reluctance. We carry out the necessary practices such as taking precautions according to the identified species and investigating the causes of the problem.

So, what are the types of sexual reluctance?

  • Primary: Decreased sexual desire and interest. It is much more common during adolescence. Underlying causes include hormone disorders. This problem occurs especially if there is a testosterone problem. It is much more likely that primary sexual reluctance will occur in societies where sexuality is suppressed.
  • Secondary: It is a type of sexual reluctance that occurs later. It usually occurs after problems between the couple. There is a higher chance that problems such as depression and anxiety will eventually emerge.

Considering the types of sexual reluctance, we can say that secondary is easier in the treatment process.

Problems Caused by Sexual Reluctance

Sexual reluctance may lead to different problems. Lack of sexual desire will manifest itself with a decrease in the number of intercourses. Following this, the problem of not experiencing sexuality will arise. It is the stage where individuals face problems that they cannot solve. We can say that if our patients get help at this stage, it will be much easier to eliminate the problem.

  • Depression
  • loss of self-confidence
  • Marital problems
  • Deterioration of social relationships
  • Fear of deception

It may cause such problems. The worker may experience different functional problems due to sexual reluctance. Before these problems cause, it is necessary to get treatment and support.