Penis Thickening

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60 DK

Discharge Time

3-4 Hours

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30 Days

Thousands of patient experiences show that people attach great importance to their penises as a result of sexual traumas and psychological effects. Factors such as sexual experiences and partner reactions can lead to sexual anxiety or even fear in men over time.

Patients who have experienced such traumas often want their penis to grow to the size they want. Penis thickening is actually one of the penis enlargement methods.

There are various methods for penis enlargement and these are determined by the anatomical structure of the patient. For individuals with natural anatomical structures and no health problems, optional techniques can be applied within medical ethics and safety rules.

Fat injection is one of the most common and organic methods:

Fat Injection: Autologous fat transfer is the process of injecting the fat taken from the individual’s own fat and purified through certain processes. Approximately 40-50% of the fat given is absorbed by the body within 6 months. Optionally, fat injection can be performed again after 5-6 months. This is injected circularly into the head and widest part of the penis to provide a symmetrical appearance.

Thickening with Fillers: Hyaluronic acid-based fillers can be used to thicken the penis. This procedure is performed like fat injection and the filler partially dissolves in approximately 6 months.

Alloderm Graft: In this technique, a thin graft from the bovine heart membrane is used to increase the thickness around the penis. The graft is taken from the foreskin or pubic area and placed through open surgery to allow the penis to grow in the anatomical plan.

While penis size attracts attention as a very important issue for men, penis thickening is one of our most demanded solution methods. Penis sizes, in particular, affect sexual life in many ways. While we can see it as one of the causes of premature ejaculation, it also attracts attention as one of the very important options for the opposite sex to enjoy sexual intercourse.

The Importance of Penis Thickness and Penis Thickening

The thickness of the penis is as important as its size for women. Women can feel much more pleasure from a thick penis. We can clearly say that it is one of the most ideal options for today’s modern medical applications.

Penis thickening is a process that includes the medical thickening method we apply for penises that have not fully developed or have not thickened due to various reasons. This method attracts attention as one of the most important methods for eliminating problems in the sexual life of many men today.

Thanks to today’s modern medical facilities, it also draws attention as one of the modern applications that we can perform painlessly and without having to rest for days. So, what are the penis thickening methods? What is the ideal penis thickness?

Penis Thickness Before and After Photos

What is the Ideal Penis Thickness?

There are ideal dimensions of penis size and thickness. Especially in terms of penis thickness, we generally have to consider the thickness of the penis when erect. The ideal penis thickness should be 10 – 11 cm in erection size. There is a thickness problem in penises smaller than this ratio.

Thanks to our applications within the penis aesthetics class, we can clearly say that we have produced permanent and ideal solutions to the thickness problem. So, how is penis thickening surgery performed?

How is Penis Thickening Surgery Performed?

We have the opportunity to apply 3 different solution methods to our valued patients within the scope of penis thickening operation. Thanks to modern medicine, we now use painless, painless and most ideal methods as a solution.

Method 1: Penis Thickening: Fat Injection

Fat injection for penis thickening, as you can understand from its name, is the injection of fat taken from the person into the penis to expand the diameter of the penis area. Thanks to the liposuction method, we remove fat from your skin. After the fat removal process, not even the slightest trace is left on the body. Therefore, there is nothing to be worried about.

The fats we take are injected into the penis. We inject more fat into the penis than is needed. Because after 6 months, the penis retains 40% of these injected fats. These remaining fat tissues will be permanent and will cause an increase in penis diameter.

Method 2: Penis Thickening: Filler Application

Penis thickening is the second alternative method. It is the second most preferred method after fat injection. You can think of it like breast silicone. The filler material, which we have specially prepared and will not cause any problems to the penis functions, is injected into the penis with a special syringe.

This method shows its effect in a very short time. You will have the chance to see the growth in penis diameter in a short time.

How Long Does Penis Thickening Surgery Take?

Cinsel Organ Yaralanmaları

First of all, it is very important that you choose experts who have years of experience in this field, like us. As you can see above, 3 different methods are used in the thickening operation. Regardless of the method, the operation is completed within 1 to 2 hours. Anesthetic applications are applied at the request of the patient or if we deem it appropriate.

What Should Be Considered After Penis Thickening Surgery?

Ejakülasyon Ne Demek Tıp

Thickening the penis is one of the procedures that must be carried out carefully, no matter what. We offer the most ideal solutions according to the demands of our valued patients. However, there are still some options that we need to pay attention to after the thickening process. If we were to warn about these;

  1. After the surgery, we need to keep our patient under observation for 1 day for control purposes.
  2. After the penis enlargement operation, sexual intercourse should be strictly discontinued for a period of 1 month.
  3. Especially after thickening surgery, you may experience swelling and redness for a short time in the area where fat was removed.
  4. If necessary, drug treatment can be applied using the prescriptions we will write upon our recommendation.
  5. Regardless, you should expect the operations to take effect immediately. At this point, the necessary information will be provided by us.

You can contact us via our contact page or Instagram.

What is penis thickening?

Penis thickening is a cosmetic procedure to increase the girth of the penis. It is usually done using fillers or fat injections.

Penis thickening procedures may not be permanent. Depending on the material used, the results may last for several years and re-processing may be necessary.

Since local anesthesia is used during the procedure, pain is usually not felt. There may be mild pain and swelling after the procedure, but this usually goes away in a short time.

Suitable candidates are usually individuals in good general health and with realistic expectations. You should consult your doctor for a detailed evaluation.

Depending on the doctor’s recommendations, sexual intercourse can usually be started within 4-6 weeks after the procedure.

This procedure usually does not have a direct impact on sexual performance, but some patients may feel better self-confidence due to the improvement in their aesthetic appearance.

Mostly fillers such as hyaluronic acid or fat tissue taken from the patient’s own body are used.

When the procedure is done correctly and appropriate materials are used, there is no scar.

The procedure can usually take between 30 minutes and 1 hour.

To reduce the risk of infection after the procedure, the hygiene rules recommended by the doctor should be followed, heavy physical activities should be avoided and the time recommended by the doctor should be waited for sexual activity.